Historic evolution of the formation process of school principals in Cuba


  • Jorge González Ramírez
  • Pedro Valiente Sandó
  • José Javier del Toro Prada




This study is an outcome of the School Principal´s Formation Project that aimed at characterizing the historical evolution of the school principals` formation process in Cuba.

The three last stages of the national historical evolution were considered to accomplish this study. These stages are acknowledged by the Cuban History Institution and they are: The Colonial Stage (1942-1898), the New colonial Stage (1899-1958) and the Revolutionary Stage (1959-till nowadays). The following indicators were used to characterize the stages: 1) the principal as an outstanding personality in the school institution; 2) the specific formation for school management as a formalized practice and 3) the school principal´s formation as a study object.

How to Cite

González Ramírez, J., Valiente Sandó, P., & del Toro Prada, J. J. (2014). Historic evolution of the formation process of school principals in Cuba. Avances En Supervisión Educativa, (22). https://doi.org/10.23824/ase.v0i22.54




school principal, specialized training, theoretical-methodological foundations, theoretical-methodological conceptions, pedagogical process, managerial process