Presentation issue 9º

On time for our appointment, on October 31, 2008, we presented our magazine number nine. This time the monographic theme has been focused on CITIZENSHIP AND VALUES, although in some articles it is derived towards Education for citizenship. It was decided to face it not with the intention of inciting litigation but, on the contrary, to promote analysis and reflections and to add contributions to the debate of a social education of very recent implantation and increasingly necessary in modern societies. There are various professionals in the educational world who have participated in addressing different aspects of the topic in which the concepts are defined and defined in order to give value to the European mandate that states that social and civic education should be included in the curricula of the levels of primary and secondary education in Europe.

In this integrative line, letters to the director that specify or complement the set of articles presented in this issue will be well received.

There are eight contributions in this monograph:

Antonio Bolívar, Professor of Didactics and School Organization at the University of Granada, states in his article "EDUCATION FOR CITIZENSHIP IN THE CURRICULUM OF THE LOE" that the competence of education for citizenship is not included in a single subject. It considers rather that it is the task of the whole teaching center and, beyond that, of the whole community.

Luis María Cifuentes Pérez, Professor at the Philosophy Specialty Institute and member of the CIVES Foundation, discusses in a first article entitled "EDUCATION AND CIVIC VALUES" the reasons that justify the implementation of the subject Education for citizenship and rights humans. Secondly, it carries out an analysis of the content of said matter. In his second article, "CIVISM: AN ETHICAL-POLITICAL CONSTRUCTION" analyzes the concept of civics as an ethical-political construct baked in the forge of Western history.

Carlos Díez Hernando, Professor of Secondary Education in centers of the Hogar del Empleado Foundation (FUHEM), addresses in his article "SOCIAL AND CITIZEN COMPETITION IN LA LOE" the concept of social competence proposed in the title.

Manuel Méndez Santamaría, Director of the CAP of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, analyzes in his article "CITIZENSHIP IN THE EUROPEAN UNION" the concept of citizenship from the perspective of the European Union trying to place it outside of partisan disputes.

Javier Peña Echevarría, Professor in the area of ​​Moral Philosophy at the University of Valladolid, analyzes in "PLURALITY, OPENNESS AND QUALITY OF CITIZENSHIP" the "state of affairs" of the concept of citizenship and the rules that should define and regulate the condition civic

Avelino Sarasúa Ortega, Head of Inspection of the Direction of Territorial Area of ​​Madrid-South, (Community of Madrid) approaches interesting reflections establishing a parallelism between the contents of the subject "Education for the Citizenship" and those of the Social and Citizen Competence, echoing the social problem that the first one has raised.

José Tuvilla Rayo, Inspector of Education in Andalusia, taking advantage of the fact that the 10th of December celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in "EDUCATION IN HUMAN RIGHTS IN SPAIN" a succinct study on the education of rights human beings throughout the recent history of Spain

Apart from the monographic theme, other interesting collaborations closely related to the Inspection are included:

Francisco Javier López Nogués, Deputy Director General of Inspection of the Ministry of Education of the Government of Cantabria, presents in his collaboration "A NEW COURSE, A NEW CHALLENGE, IN THE INSPECTION OF EDUCATION OF CANTABRIA" an analysis of the Action Plan of the Inspection of Education of Cantabria for the academic year 2008 -2009

Vicente Mora Baringo, Inspector of Education in Lleida, analyzes in his article "THE INSPECTION AND THE CHALLENGES OF THE NEW TECHNOLOGIES" the two challenges that in his opinion must face the inspection of education: the technological renovation and the new regulation of the electronic Administration .

Francisco Galván Palomo, Director of the High Inspection of Education in the Government Delegation in Madrid, makes in his article a clear description of "THE HIGH INSPECTION OF EDUCATION"

Amada Mogollón de González, from the University of Carabobo, analyzes in her article "AUTOPOIESIS Y QUALIDAD PARA SUPERVISIÓN EDUCATIVA" the systemic interaction of the functions of supervision in the path of autopoiesis of society itself.

Two contributions are included in the research section:

Juan Torres Guerrero, Juan Palomares Cuadros, Elisa Torres Ramos and Deysy Margarita Pérez Pérez present in their article "THE METHODOLOGICAL TRIANGULATION IN RESEARCH IN EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES" a research carried out on corporal expression in Physical Education of students of the province of Cienfuegos.

Patricia Silva García, from the University of Barcelona, ​​presents in the research article "THE SCHOOL INSPECTION IN CATALONIA, A STUDY OF CASES" part of the thesis presented in the Department of Educational Didactics and Organization, focusing on this article, the work that the inspectors perform as support agents and the positive effect that this work exerts in the educational centers.


Enrique Roca, Director of the Evaluation Institute of the Ministry of Education, Social Policy and Sports has been interviewed by our director, Milagros Muñoz. As it could not be less the diverse evaluations in which we are sunk are the axis of the interview.

Finally, three interesting books are presented:

François Dubet: La escuela de las oportunidades. ¿Qué es una escuela justa? Barcelona, Ed. Gedisa, 2005, 89 págs.

Lasarte Álvarez, C., López Peláez, P. y Moretón Sanz, Mª F.: La responsabilidad civil en el ámbito de los centros docentes, Dykinson, Madrid, 2007.

Javier Peña: La Ciudadanía Hoy: Problemas y propuestas. Valladolid, Ed. Universidad de Valladolid, 2000.

Fernando Faci Lucia