Presentation issue 8º

A new issue appears, the eighth, of the journal Avances en Supervisión Educativa. Perhaps eight numbers of a magazine may seem little to the reader, however, for those of us who work on it, it seems almost impossible that we have reached this far. It is very probable that this achieved reach demonstrates the need that existed in which there was a magazine focused on the supervision of education as the main object of study. Perhaps it is also the result of the commitment of their mentors and the performance of those who participate in it.

We wanted to dedicate this monographic issue to computer science in education. It began as an object of research in a select group of universities and now appears as a network of computer artifacts, in which operating systems and programs are embedded, which remain united by the most diverse technological systems and communication protocols. Networks that allow the rapid acquisition of information and its necessary contrast, direct communication, the cogeneration of contents, the creation of commitment communities and the warp of social groups with the most varied interests.

In this apparent marasmus of continuous revolutions and chaotic successions of novelties, education should serve as a platform for the promotion of the information society but also as a support, as a creator, sustainer and generator of said society, a reference, in short, of knowledge.

In the monograph, dedicated to Information Technology in education, we have included the following articles:

José M Lozano Salinas points out in his article "Web 2.0" that the web is revolutionizing collaborative work, multidirectional participation and the democratization of content. Emerging networks and social environments of users that are having important consequences in the educational world.

María Luisa Sevillano García analyzes in her article the "Potentiality of information and communication technologies in the work of educational management" the direction of the teaching centers through the blocks of pedagogical advice, academic coordination and organizational control, curricular and disciplinary .

Isabel Cuadrado Gordillo in her article the "State of needs, development and evaluation in teacher training in ICT" raises the case of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura after analyzing the various studies that have been conducted in 1998, 2001, 2004 and 2006. Notes that there has been a favorable evolution of teachers regarding ICT.

Joaquín Gairín Sallán elaborates an article about "Management of Knowledge of the managers: the virtual experience of the Athena network" in which he describes "a model that allows to create, share and manage knowledge, through the intensive use of the Network among different people . "

Francisco de Pedro Sotelo develops an article on "The spreadsheet in the daily task of the inspector of education" in which he presents, step by step, the creation in twenty simple steps of a spreadsheet that serves to control part of the activity of the inspector.

Jaume Brufau Galitó points out in his article "The web management of an inspection service: Intranet" that "more and more it is necessary that an education inspector has access to information from their centers that allows them to inform and advise at all times rigor." For this he explains the experience of using an Intranet that is being carried out in the Territorial Education Service of the province of Lleida.

Many, also, have been the contributions in other fields not located in the monographic number:

Angel Martínez Recio in his article "Learning mathematical skills" proposes ideas to develop the processes of acquisition of basic skills and concrete in a teaching unit.

Tomás Secadura Navarro has made an article entitled "Principle of organization of educational inspection in Spain: strengths and weaknesses" performs an analysis of the eleven organizational principles: "unity, homogeneity, territoriality, professionalism, hierarchy-dependence, planning, work as a team, coordination, specialization, typicity of actions, and evaluation of results "that define the structure of the different education inspections. Secadura concludes that it is necessary to change the existing inspection model in order to respond to the growing complexity of the school system.

Pedro María Uruñuela Nájera analyzes in "The professional challenges of the Educational Inspection for the application of the LOE" that five are, in his opinion, the challenges posed by the new Education Law: "achieve school success for all, develop a new curriculum that guarantees the acquisition of basic skills, encourage and work on positive coexistence, reinforce the autonomy of schools and, finally, involve teachers in collective work to achieve these objectives. "

José Fco. Leal Simón develops in his article "Reading: rediscovery and necessity" that there is a concern for the reading deficiencies of the students. He points out that this concern has been included in the LOE and makes some proposals about the reading plan and the school library.

José Manuel Fanjul Díaz considers that conflict is a fact contrasted in education and in his article "Arbitration, a tool for good coexistence" states that the Coexistence Plan is "a great framework that regulates, prevents and improves coexistence in educational centers ", that mediation and arbitration are" two effective instruments ". It proposes a model of arbitration procedure and indicates that it has to be based on three pillars: speed, impartiality and formality.

Luis Batanaz Palomares reflects in his article "A misguided education system?" about the current management model of the teaching centers in Spain and wonders if it would not need to be improved. Given the proposal to consolidate the managerial role performed by the AXIA organization, a final question is asked "Could this be an interesting reference in the trend towards a better direction of the education system in Spain?"

This magazine also includes the presentation of three investigations:

Luis Zúniga Álvarez presents an investigation in which he analyzes the impact of supervision on the quality of the management of educational institutions of secondary level in Cusco (Cuzco) of Peru.

Rubén Edel Navarro, on the other hand, presents the research called "The didactic university planning: an evaluation experience from the ISO 9001: 2000 standard" centered on the following question: "What problems does the application of the didactic planning process at the University present? from the Caribbean?" The investigation concludes with some interesting contributions.

Arturo Barraza Macías presents an investigation that explores the organizational commitment of teachers made in the city of Canatlán in the state of Durango (Mexico).

Finally, two interviews have been included:

Interview by Odet Moliner García, from the Jaume I. Castellón University, to Gordon L. Porter, internationally renowned expert, advisor, researcher and professor at the University of Maine at Presque Island (USA)

Interview by Francisco Cuadrado with Araceli Carrillo Pérez, Andalusian parliamentarian of the socialist group and rapporteur of the Andalusian Education Law (L.E.A.), about the development and application of the aforementioned Law, the latter interviewed by Francisco Cuadrado, member of the Editorial Board.


The one that this writes presents a sample of the new tools of author, the blogs.

Fernando Faci Lucia
Editorial Board