Presentation issue 27º

Dear readers:

We publish a new issue of the journal "Advances in Educational Supervision" in which we first want to thank the authors who continue to trust our magazine as a means of publication and the large group of readers who follow us. This article includes an article written in Catalan. From the first issue it was indicated that it was possible to write in any of the Romance languages ​​of use in Spain. However, we believe that this limitation must be overcome and at this time we can admit articles in any of the languages ​​of the Iberian Peninsula. If an author sends us an article in Basque we are sure that our colleagues from the Basque Country will help us to carry out a complete translation or a comprehensive summary. In a short future we must expand the linguistic base of the journal and therefore we will also study the possibility of incorporating articles in English, French or German, along with its translation.

In this issue we present eight articles.

José Manuel Cabrera Delgado (Inspector of Education of the Canary Islands) publishes the article titled SCIENCES OF THE COMPUTATION IN THE EDUCATIONAL CURRICULUM.

José Luis Estefanía Lera (Inspector of Education of Madrid) publishes the article titled THE INSPECTION IN THE EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION.

Ignacio Polo Martínez (Education Inspector of the Government of Aragon in Huesca) and Gemma Puertas Bescós (Provincial Education of the Government of Aragon in Huesca) publish the article entitled GUIDE FOR THE ELABORATION OF A DIDACTIC PROGRAMMING IN THE STAGES OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION.

Lourdes de la Caridad Rodríguez Martínez (Advisor to the Provincial Directorate of Education of the Province of Villa Clara, Cuba) publishes the article THE SCHOOL INSPECTION IN CUBA, CONTROL AND EVALUATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS.

Marcos Fco. Rodríguez Bravo (Inspector of Education of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands) and Alexandre Camacho Prats (Professor of the Balearic Government and Universitat de Barcelona) publish the article titled THE AUTHORITY OF INSPECTORS OF EDUCATION: AUCTORITAS Y POTESTAS.

Joan Segura Torres (Educational Counselor of the Departament Ensenyament Generalitat Catalunya) and Patricia Silva García (Associate Professor of the Departament de Pedagogia i Psicologia Universitat de Lleida) publish the article entitled THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CATALAN EDUCATIONAL INSPECTION FROM THE CATALAN EDUCATIONAL LAW (LEC) AND THE PROCESS OF AUTONOMY OF THE CENTERS.

Manuel Ángel Romero García (Inspection of Education, Territorial Delegation of Education of Jaen, Junta de Andalucía) publishes an article titled THE MEDIATED COMMUNICATION BY TECHNOLOGY AS A BASE OF THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE PERFORMANCE OF THE EDUCATIONAL INSPECTION: THE INSPECTION PLAN 2016- 17 IN ANDALUCIA.

Lina Margarita Ramírez Lahera (Municipal Education Office, Holguin) and Jorge González Ramírez (Assistant Professor, Organizational Management Center, University of Holguin) publish the article entitled THE DIRECTION OF SCIENTIFIC-METHODOLOGICAL WORK IN THE INSTITUTIONS OF TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN CUBA.

Rasciel de la Caridad Zayas Acosta (Professor, Department of Physical Education of Service, Faculty of Physical Culture University "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca" of Pinar del Río, Cuba) publishes the article titled THE ROLE OF THE TEACHER IN THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF CHILDREN OF PRE-SCHOOL CHILDHOOD.

In this number 27 we have also achieved several improvements that we believe will be for the benefit of the authors and all readers. We have included the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​or unique digital identification number of the object. This is a number that allows you to identify the place where a certain document is hosted on the web. In this way, with this number, the document can be accessed by finding it among the complexity of network addresses.

We have improved the peer review by means of integral management through the OJS modules with which we manage the journal. This is a task that requires a lot of attention and therefore we will give all the priority.

We have incorporated an author identification system. Specifically, we have included the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) module of author identifier that allows the free registration of the author, the incorporation of their academic or research information and the maintenance of the same in the Orcid network (https: // We are considering incorporating OpenID that allows the unification of different author names.

Throughout this summer we will also include the procedure to incorporate the obtaining of the reference of the document to export it to document managers of references such as Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote or Refworks or incorporate it directly to the article that is being written. We are also going to incorporate modules that allow you to adapt the citations to the formats of different standards such as the APA standard, which is what we have as a reference.

We believe that the field of Education needs specialized scientific journals, dedicated and as our case, that have the focus on certain groups such as inspectors and education managers, as we have proposed from the first issue.

We reiterate that our main interest is to help teaching professionals to investigate, conduct reviews and publish.

A greeting.

Fernando M. Faci Lucia
Francisco J. Cuadrado Muñoz
José M. Cabrera Delgado