Presentation issue 22º

Dear readers:

We present the issue 22 of Advances in Educational Supervision focused on the monographic issue that we have titled "Educational Services, Review, Analysis and Proposals." It was decided to choose this topic because, on the one hand, it corresponds to one of the supervisory functions of the education inspection, and on the other hand, it is a chapter that is rarely discussed in specialized journals. The authors listed below have responded to our article appeal. We thank all of them for their collaboration.

First, Mariano Fernández Enguita analyzes the indirect costs that exist in current Spanish education (children, primary and secondary). According to Enguita, in a teaching that should be totally free, families must realize the important complementary cost that the payments of different services imply. Detail the importance of textbooks, canteens and support activities and the implication that implies the non-gratuity of them.

José María Vera has tried to situate and analyze in the framework of the Spanish State the different configurations and conceptualizations that there are of educational services.

Carmen Romero Ureña analyzes the educational services that support school integration, exemplified in the province of Valladolid. Joseba Ozkoidi and Andoni Albeniz present the quality audits as a service of the inspection of Navarra. For his part, José Mª Arribas Estebaranz is studying the external evaluation of the centers carried out in Spain.

From the outside, Odalia Llerena Companioni analyzes the guidance services of the teaching staff while Lucía Mabel Linares, Zoraida Vera Bonet and Ania Rosa Fleites analyze the Documentation Center in Cuba. On the other hand, Arturo G. Rillo, performs a review of the complementary educational services in medical education in Mexico.

This monograph concludes with a study by Gisela Morales Navarro on complementary services and complementary and extracurricular activities

This issue also includes the fifteen communications submitted to the 13th ADIDE-Federation State Congress held in Santander from October 22 to 24, 2014. The topics they investigate or review are varied, although they are all focused on the professional activity of the education inspectors. It should be noted the high level of participation and the quality of communications.

Finally, we present in the section on other articles, thirteen works on different topics, all related to Educational Supervision and education in general.

The next issue 23, May 2015, will focus on collecting contributions in relation to the theme "Towards an Educational Consensus Law: Contributions from the evidence". We are very accustomed in the social sciences, pedagogy and psychology that many writers think without foundation where there should be research and evaluation. Teachers, educational inspection, university research, school management, complementary teams and technicians of the central services have much to contribute.

The editorial board.