Presentation issue 21º

In a short period from March to May 2014, three congresses of two federated organizations have been held. The management of the magazine proposed to the Federal Board the possibility of publishing those papers and communications that fulfilled the publication requirements of the journal. As a result of this idea, this extraordinary number is now published containing fifteen of the documents that have been presented at said congresses.

The importance of this publication is twofold. On the one hand, the topics dealt with in the different congresses make direct reference to the Education Inspectorate. On the other, the vast majority of publications are produced by education inspectors. The Congresses that have been held have been the following:

VIII ADIDE-Andalucía Congress

"Organization and operation of the Andalusian Education Inspectorate: challenges for this century."

Held in Seville on March 19 and 20, 2014

XII ADIDE Congress-Castilla y León

"Educational Inspection: evaluation and improvement of educational quality"

Held in Zamora on April 3 and 4, 2014

VII ADIDE-Aragón Congress

"The Inspection of education: a look from outside. Visions and expectations. "

Held in Calatayud on May 22 and 23, 2014

The editorial board.