Presentation issue 11º

We dedicate this issue to Mercedes Muñoz-Repiso who died in Madrid on August 23, after a life committed to improving the quality and equity of education. Javier Murillo, to whom he joined an extensive professional career, wanted to remind us with an article the example of professional life that Mercedes supposed.


This number, already the eleventh, dedicated to the relations between globalization and education, is located, as we have done in the previous issues, in a theoretical framework of discussion and debate. The issue is important and current, because education today is affected by the economic and financial system, information technologies, knowledge transfer and new values ​​derived from the global village. A new world that is causing a bankruptcy in relation to previous eras, globalization being the term that permeates the new way of looking at the world. A term born in the economic sphere and that today extends to other fields, to other sectors, such as education, demonstrating its complex nature. In effect, and paraphrasing a philosopher, we will say that the term globalization is said in many ways. On the one hand, it has a practical, empirical, technological and economic sense; from another it begins to become an ideology, or a reasoning that serves to legitimize certain practices. By this we mean that the term, despite its profusion of use in the media and in everyday language, is confusing, without clear criteria that define it. Hence the opportunity of this monographic issue of the Revista Avances devoted to the links between education and globalization, as well as its consequences.

The authors of this issue are men and women of the educational world, and, in addition, renowned teachers who offer their personal reflection, contributing decisively to the debate on the impact of globalization on education. Manuel de Puelles, in his work on Globalization, neoliberalism and education, places us before the relation between both concepts, globalization and education, descending especially to its effects, that is, to the terrain of the economy of education and educational policies, of the State, especially its neoliberal orientation, and its connection with education. José Manuel Esteve - Education and Globalization. The society and the knowledge economy - stops its look at social changes, deep, and its transfer to educational systems. Problems not initially foreseen, but that require the adaptation of the educational systems, with its consequent requirement to meet a demand of high qualification to face the economic development and the high scientific and technical level that emanates from the knowledge society regarding the right to education, schooling and new technologies. Antonio Bolívar - Effects of globalization on the professional lives of teachers - faces the crisis of this group, especially those who dedicate their work to the secondary stage, which will require, in the author's opinion, to re-position their role, their responsibilities, through alternative discourses that allow him to forge a new identity. Manuel Santos Rego - Prepare citizens in a global era. Can intercultural education help? - addresses a major problem that educational systems and schools must face: intercultural education, that is, the problem of social awareness about citizenship education that is situated not only in the area of ​​rights, but also in the one of the duties, in the one of the responsibilities that allow with the facts to create an education that cultivates the new civic values. A theme that connects with the one posed by Luis Cifuentes - The challenge of education in a globalized world -, in which he examines the theme and debate of education for citizenship and human rights, vault key to face the process easy of complex identities. And, finally, Ramón Flecha and Cristina Pulido - Global actions for the prevention of abuse of minors - examine a specific and topical problem: sexual abuse committed through the network, which will require, in the opinion of the authors, global prevention responses.

Interventions all that offer a current perspective on a relationship, globalization-education, that looks towards an education without constraint of races, nations, cultures, etc., which raises many indeterminations. Hence the value of this monographic issue of the magazine Avances, because it offers through its writing reflections to build discourses that help us face the complex processes that come from globalization in the territory of education. That is, a critical, informed, and solidary education that reconciles justice with knowledge and adopts civic value among its ends.

The editorial board.