Presentation issue 1º

It is not easy to justify the birth of a new magazine, one more magazine, in the marasmus of information in which we move. However, the object of study - the Inspection of education - also called educational supervision in many Spanish-American countries, is novel in the current world panorama. There are very few journals focused on the Educational Inspection that are published and, currently, none of them in Spanish.

The magazine Advances in Educational Supervision of the Federation of Associations of Education Inspectors of Spain was born with the hope of becoming the vehicle of expression and communication of the inspectors and inspectors of education not only in Spain but throughout Ibero-America and with the desire, also, to collect their concerns, their ideas and their contributions. Due to its contact with the school reality, the group of inspectors of education knows in depth the educational system and is able to correctly diagnose their problems and difficulties, as well as to propose measures to promote their improvement.

This is going to be a magazine exclusively electronic appearance, with free access to its contents. We intend to have relevance in scientific and academic environments, which is able to inform and deepen the most current issues. New experiences, innovative projects, or reflections on the national and international educational reality will enrich the content of the publication, while they may be useful in the scientific and professional updating of the teaching staff.

We consider that respect for diversity is a priority principle, understood as an element of cultural identity of the different Autonomous Communities in the territorial scope of Spain, of the different peoples of Europe and of each of the Spanish-speaking countries.

The Scientific Council, composed of personalities of recognized prestige within the educational world, will be in charge of maintaining the quality of the articles that are published.

The coordination of each of the numbers for which a four-monthly periodicity is foreseen, will fall on the Editorial Board.

The editorial board.