The voice of principals: interviews with representatives of unions and organizations involved in school management.


  • José Francisco Venzalá
  • Alonso Gutiérrez Morillo
  • Eusebio Martín Ramos
  • Mario Gutiérrez Gutiérrez
  • Alfonso Fernández Martínez
  • Jorge Delgado Marín
  • Fernando Villalba Cabrera
  • Maribel Loranca Irueste
  • José Luis Valero Marrón
  • Alejandro Lozano



Interviews on school management in Spain made to the following associations and unions related to education and its management: ANPE (National Association of Teaching Professionals); CCOO-FE (Education Federation of Comisiones Obreras); CGT (Education Federation of Confederación General de Trabajadores); CSIF (Independent and Civil Servants Union); FEAE (Federation of the European Forum of Education Administrators); FEDEIP (Federation of Principals and Managers of Public Pre-school and Primary Education Centers); STEs-Intersindical (Union of Education Workers); UGT-SP (General Union of Workers).

How to Cite

Venzalá, J. F., Gutiérrez Morillo, A., Martín Ramos, E., Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, M., Fernández Martínez, A., Delgado Marín, J., Villalba Cabrera, F., Loranca Irueste, M., Valero Marrón, J. L., & Lozano, A. (2024). The voice of principals: interviews with representatives of unions and organizations involved in school management. Avances En Supervisión Educativa, (42).




School management, leadership, professional associations, teachers' unions, Spain