Actions of the educational inspection for the supervision of the teaching-learning processes in the current regulatory framework from Neuroscience.




The objective of this article has been to analyze the current educational curriculum after the recent regulatory changes, highlighting the main curricular elements, particularly the operational descriptors of the key competences. On the other hand, the term executive functions with its different components has been analyzed, with special attention to its evolution, development and influence on learning processes. Once the curriculum and executive functions were analyzed, the relationship between the operational descriptors of personal, social and learning to learn competence, entrepreneurial competence and its link with executive functions was analyzed. Finally, an intervention proposal is made from the educational inspection for the inclusion of active methodologies in classroom programming taking into account the scientific evidence provided by neuroscience.


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How to Cite

Gil Vega, J. A. (2024). Actions of the educational inspection for the supervision of the teaching-learning processes in the current regulatory framework from Neuroscience. Avances En Supervisión Educativa, (42).




educational inspection, executive functions, curriculum, learning, neuroscience