The role of inspection in identifying and disclosure of good practice teaching


  • Juan José Ruíz Salmerón
  • Francisco J. Soria Rodríguez



The role of school inspection in the exchange of experience between centers serving the same population in a given geographical environment has an impact that does not adhere to the benefits to a particular area but, inevitably shows good educational practices that reverse in improving the learning processes of the entire community.

The experience in the Nijar area as a commendable example of commitment of the management teams and the vast majority of teachers, in implementing a job in Education Network is displayed. The experience is getting a remarkable degree of success in participation, involvement and enthusiasm, which is affecting the improvement of school performance.

How to Cite

Ruíz Salmerón, J. J., & Soria Rodríguez, F. J. (2014). The role of inspection in identifying and disclosure of good practice teaching. Avances En Supervisión Educativa, (21).




student exchange, inspection, quality of education, good practice