School absenteeism as a risk factor in the appearance of criminal behavior


  • Josep María



This article presents documentary research that is limited to the field of criminology: the relationship (correlation) between school absenteeism (at the age of compulsory schooling) and deviant and / or criminal behaviour as the basis of this study. We have tried to analyse one of the main risk factors such as school absenteeism among young people and the beginning of what will be the criminal careers of these minors who do not attend school. We have also presented, some criminological theories applied to juvenile delinquency o juvenile crime. This is a research that is located in the field of what is a documentary research: the main objective of this study is to show how the scientific literature in the field of criminology has addressed this issue of great transcendence when studying how criminal careers are constructed.


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How to Cite

Josep María. (2023). School absenteeism as a risk factor in the appearance of criminal behavior. Avances En Supervisión Educativa, (39).




school absenteeism, criminology, juvenile delinquency, criminal behaviour, risk factor’s