Proposal to impart the didactics of the physics using strategies of teaching and of learning


  • Yamiley Cañizares Espinosa
  • Anselmo Leonides Guillen Estevez



You offer an original article; they summarize of an investigation on the formation and professional development of the educational one in third year of the Mathematics-physical career of the University of Pedagogic Sciences Felix Beaches her Morales of Villa Clara, Cuba. Their objective resided in: to carry out a proposal for the achievement of the strategic knowledge in these students, since the knowledge: personal, of the task, and strategic, they facilitate the development of the processes metacognitivos, which will guarantee the exercise of their profession. He/she was carried out a historical-logical study of the learning of twenty-nine students, a documental analysis of their student trajectory; they underwent to: observations, studies of the result of their work, and you interview. The possibility you were verified their car-knowledge as well as of the knowledge of the task until approving the exams; and the necessity of a proposal was detected that it develops the strategic knowledge. The theoretical budgets of this proposal offer work presently.

How to Cite

Cañizares Espinosa, Y., & Guillen Estevez, A. L. (2014). Proposal to impart the didactics of the physics using strategies of teaching and of learning. Avances En Supervisión Educativa, (22).




strategic knowledge, processes metacognitivos, car-knowledge