Quality audit as a service in the Inspectorate of Education of Navarra


  • Joseba Ozkoidi Pérez
  • Andoni Albeniz Bratos




Public policies in many countries drive towards improving both school performance and autonomy, besides accountability. Among the main issues insisted upon are school management and functioning, which are linked to educational leadership. To attain this purpose, many schools implement certified management systems leading in turn to external recognition. In Navarra, after experiencing with the ISO 9001 and EFQM models, the Department of Education resolved to create its own quality management system, the SGCC 2013, whose certification corresponds to the Inspectorate of Education. This constitutes an act of great significance, given its influence on the processes of teaching and learning. All inspectors participate in the auditing processes aimed at adding value to the school's dynamic of continuous improvement. Inspectors also collaborate in the EFQM assessment of the Excellence Award.

How to Cite

Ozkoidi Pérez, J., & Albeniz Bratos, A. (2014). Quality audit as a service in the Inspectorate of Education of Navarra. Avances En Supervisión Educativa, (22). https://doi.org/10.23824/ase.v0i22.42




quality management system, auditing, school evaluation, ISO 9001, EFQM