Quality in practice: a guarantee for the future for training companies


  • Ignacio Aguaded Gómez
  • Manuel Fandos Igado


The debate about quality and training is both very interesting and complex. This article introduces some of the main points for a profound debate about this subject and also presents us with an entrepreneurial point of view. Training companies like Master-D consider the application of specific practices a guarantee of quality for the future. An essential tool for survival. Therefore they present us with some of the multimedia products they have developed.


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How to Cite

Aguaded Gómez, I., & Fandos Igado, M. (2009). Quality in practice: a guarantee for the future for training companies. Avances En Supervisión Educativa, (10). Retrieved from https://avances.adide.org/index.php/ase/article/view/391




quality, education, training, open training, e-learning, distance learning, company, client