Textbooks and teaching professionalism


  • Ana López Hernández


Teachers regard text-books' statements as above discussion, even more, they find in them some kind of self-assurance and a guarantee for professional labour.

Since accuracy and specificity are the features on demand about contents, text-books are so much valued as they fulfil this technical conception of teaching, which understands knowledge as something cut-out, finished and not subject to any criticism or revision. Text-books are fundamentally asked to help teachers to transmit contents.

However, subjecting the performance of teaching duties to a text-book is a step to  miss some professionalism. Teachers think that text-books  should make a suitable match to teaching plans instruments -School Stage Project, Classroom Teaching Schedule, etc- but later they admit that the text-book becomes the ruler of the classroom. Either above or at the same level as other teaching elements or schedules, the fact is that text-books still provoke contradictions among teachers, about what they should be and what they really are.

How to Cite

López Hernández, A. (2007). Textbooks and teaching professionalism. Avances En Supervisión Educativa, (6). Retrieved from https://avances.adide.org/index.php/ase/article/view/282

