Curricular materials according to the Organic Act of Education 2006. An outlook from Valencia


  • Ferran Oltra Llini
  • Ignacio Carbonell García


By Ferran Oltra Llin and Ignasi Carbonell García, teachers and curricular material authors.

Curricular materials have the purpose of helping teachers to go from the curriculum decree of Mininal Teaching to the School Project and the classroom teaching schedule.

Text-books are, among the collection of varied curricular material, the most widely used carrier to show the contents on which many of school activities are carried out.

How to Cite

Oltra Llini, F., & Carbonell García, I. (2007). Curricular materials according to the Organic Act of Education 2006. An outlook from Valencia. Avances En Supervisión Educativa, (6). Retrieved from

