A core curriculum agreed around the european framework of key competences. A comparative analysis with the french case


  • Antonio Bolivar Botía




A central issue to agree on education is, to say the French wording, “what is it that children should definitely learn during compulsory education?” .This question, simple but fundamental, has not always been the core of the educational reforms and possible agreements on education.  A favorable opportunity, which would have allowed overcoming looks homemade and interests, which could have represented the European Reference Framework (Key Competences for Lifelong Learning), around which articulate a core curriculum. Has been lost, as on other occasions, the opportunity.  However, as the output to the expected repeal of the LOMCE, can be nothing new alternative Act, perhaps the opportunity to retake it. The French case, which will follow up is a good example.

How to Cite

Bolivar Botía, A. (2015). A core curriculum agreed around the european framework of key competences. A comparative analysis with the french case. Avances En Supervisión Educativa, (23). https://doi.org/10.23824/ase.v0i23.25




key competences, european framework, common core, agreement