Orthoscopy (the proper look): towards a code of ethics of the Educational Inspectorate based on respect


  • Jordi Giró París




Analysis of the ethical dimension of the inspectorate as a result of a closer look, which I have called orthoscopy, or what is the same, a proper look. From the Latin word meaning inspectio we dive inside the phenomenology of sight, the distinction between seeing and looking, the two assumptions orthoscopy addressed: the admiration and collectively practiced habit of looking to end up with a reflection on the subjective moment of the act of looking. Finally we become aware of self-critical time of inspection taking into account that we look at people who watch us, and therefore it is a bidirectional ethical commitment. Inspectors do not carry out their functions just because of what they think their task should be, but mainly because of the expectations that the other members of the educational community have in relation to their functions.


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How to Cite

Giró París, J. (2015). Orthoscopy (the proper look): towards a code of ethics of the Educational Inspectorate based on respect. Avances En Supervisión Educativa, (24). https://doi.org/10.23824/ase.v0i24.13




education, ethics of the inspectorate, professional ethics, inspection functions, professional teleology