Scientific experience in Primary and Secondary classrooms: professional development opportunity for teachers


  • Teresa Lupión Cobos
  • Enrique Sánchez Rivas
  • José David Triguero Florido



This article presents two learning experiences that have as a link scientific experimentation in the classroom. Different educational stages have been developed from its application, aimed at improving the significance of learning in the science classroom and to create effective professional skills teaching strategies and analytical thought processes.

This work has involved the coordination of the University of Malaga, Malaga Teacher Centre and Teachers of Elementary and Secondary Education.

The results are limited to two areas: (a) in schools that have implemented the scientific experiments that have noted an improvement in different parameters of the educational intervention; and (b) the processes of teacher training, which have been revised from the assessment of the impact of its training activities in the classroom.

How to Cite

Lupión Cobos, T., Sánchez Rivas, E., & Triguero Florido, J. D. (2014). Scientific experience in Primary and Secondary classrooms: professional development opportunity for teachers. Avances En Supervisión Educativa, (20).




elementary education, secondary education, scientific competence, professional skills teachers