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Author Guidelines


The authors will send the originals to the journal writing (with contact address) for their selection according to the formal criteria and content of the same.

All works must be original and unpublished. It is suggested that the extension of the same does not exceed 20 pages.

A brief summary of the article should be sent in Spanish and translated into English (abstract)

An email will be sent with the confirmation of admission of the document and the expected date of publication.

Documents are accepted in any of the Romance languages of the Iberian peninsula. It is not necessary to provide translation for such documents since they will be published in the language in which they are delivered. Regarding Euskera, it is requested that with the article, if it is desired to deliver in that language, a translation is provided.


You can download a style document from this link:

Style document (fomato pdf)

Texts: Authors should send the texts in open type odt or Microsoft Word 2003 according to style document.

The authors will use the style document in the writing of their articles and communications.

Images: Graphics and figures should be made with sufficient quality for reproduction. The characteristics of the digital images will be the following: formats: jpg, gif or png. Size, not more than 450 X 400 p with a depth of 72 dpi.



The purpose of the evaluation is to ensure the quality of the contents and the presence of the subject areas of this journal.

The received manuscripts will be reviewed by the editorial team, who in turn will make a first selection filter to verify the adequacy of the article to the formal requirements demanded, as well as to the magazine's theme. The receipt of the article does not imply acceptance.

Two external reviewers will be assigned to the editorial team, and to the publisher, who will evaluate the article confidentially and anonymously (double blind). The reviewers will use the following document in electronic format (doc_revision) for their report.

The selection of reviewers is the responsibility of the Editorial Board, which will take into account academic, scientific and professional merit. Members of the Scientific Council may act as reviewers.

The final acceptance will be made once the modifications proposed by the reviewers have been incorporated, if any.

It is intended to ensure the confidentiality of authorship in the review process.


The Editorial Board of the journal are not responsible for the opinions and criteria held by the authors.


There are no costs to the authors for the processing or the sending of articles.


The “Avances en Supervisión Educativa” Journal adheres to the ethical norms of the COPE Committee on Publication Ethics, aimed to publishers as well as reviewers and authors.

Duties of Authors

Originality and plagiarism: The authors of the manuscripts sent to “Avances en Supervisión Educativa” guarantee that the submitted work is original and that the manuscripts themselves neither contain extracts from other authors, nor contain other fragments from written works that were previously published (by the same authors). Furthermore, the authors confirm the veracity of the data, namely that the empirical data have not been altered to verify hypotheses.

Publications multiple and /or repetitive: the author should not publish articles that repeat the same search results in more than a scientific journal. The simultaneous proposal of the same contribution to multiple scientific journals is to be considered ethically improper and reprehensible.

List of sources: the author should always provide the correct indication of the sources and contributions mentioned in the article.

Authorship: In terms of the authorship of the work, the authors guarantee that there is the inclusion of those individuals who have made a scientifically significant and intellectual contribution to the conceptualization and planning of the work, and have also made a contribution to the interpretation of the results and the actual writing of the article. At the same time, the authors have been hierarchically organized in accordance to their level of responsibility and their respective roles.

Access and Retention: if the editors deem it appropriate, the authors of the articles should make available also the sources or the data on which research is based, so that they can be kept for a reasonable period of time after the publication and possibly be made accessible.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: all authors are required to declare explicitly that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results obtained or the interpretations proposed. Authors must also indicate any research funding agencies and / or the project from which arise the article.

Errors in published articles: when an author in her/his article identifies a significant error or inaccuracy, it shall promptly inform the magazine editors and provide them with all the information required to list the relevant corrections on the bottom of the article itself.

Responsibility: all the authors accept responsibility for what they have written. The authors pledge that they have revised the most up-to-date and relevant materials about the subject matter, thereby taking into account the dual nature of different currents of thought.

Duties of Referees

Contribution to the editorial decision: peer review is a procedure that helps editors to make decisions on the proposed articles and also allows the author to improve the contribution submitted for publication. The reviewers are committed to performing a critical, honest, constructive, and unbiased review of both the scientific and the literary quality of the written work, i.e. based on their individual skills and knowledge.

Respect of time: the referee who does not feel adequate to the task proposed or who are not able to finish the evaluation of the proposed contribution in the scheduled time is required to promptly notify the coordinators. The reviewers are committed to evaluating the works in the minimum possible time so as to respect the stated deadlines. Confidentiality: each assigned reading should be considered as confidential. Therefore, these texts should not be discussed with other people without the explicit permission of the editors.

Objectivity: the peer-review must be conducted in an objective manner. Any personal judgment about the authors of contributions is considered inappropriate. The referees are required to give adequate reasons for their judgments. The reviewers will submit a complete and critical report with adequate references according to “Avances en Supervisión Educativa” review protocol and the established public norms for reviewers, especially if it should be recommended that the work be rejected. They are obliged, moreover, to advise the editors whether substantial sections of the work have been previously published, or if they are being revised by another publication.

Text display: the referees undertake to accurately indicate the bibliographical references of fundamental works possibly neglected by the author. The referee must also report to the editors any similarities or overlaps between the text received and other works known to her/him.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: confidential information or information obtained during the process of peer-review must be considered confidential and may not be used for personal purposes. The referee shall not accept in reading articles for which there is a conflict of interest due to previous collaboration or competition with the author and /or her/his institution.

Duties of Editors

Decisions on publication: Two reviewers will be assigned to evaluate the manuscript, external to the editorial board, who will evaluate the article confidentially and anonymously (double blind). The selection of the reviewers is the responsibility of the Editorial Board, which will take into account its academic, scientific and professional experience. The final publication will be made once the modifications proposed by the reviewers are incorporated, if any.

Honesty: the editors evaluate the articles submitted for publication only on the basis of the scientific merit of the content, without discrimination of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, nationality, political opinion of the authors.

Confidentiality: the editors and members of the working group undertake not to disclose information relating to the articles submitted for publication to other persons other than the author, the referees and the editor. Editors and the Editorial Board are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the manuscripts, their authors and their reviewers, in such a way that anonymity preserves the intellectual integrity of the whole process.

Conflict of interest and disclosure: the editors undertake not to use in their research content of articles submitted for publication without the written consent of the author.

Respect of time: The editors are responsible for compliance with the time limits for reviews and publication of accepted papers, to ensure rapid dissemination of its results. They reliably undertake to comply with the published deadlines of six months in the estimation / rejection since the manuscript was received.


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