The Educational Inspection. An Institutional Qualification Model in the Face of the Challenges of the 21th Century. Structural And Functional Vision


  • Blas Campos Barrionuevo



Through this work we have attempted to analyze certain elements, both structural and functional, referring to Educational Inspection/Supervision in the Spanish educational (school) system. To do this, starting from a theoretical-doctrinal and legal analysis of educational quality, as a guiding principle of our educational system within the framework of Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education –LOE–, given its new wording after the promulgation of Organic Law 3/2020, of December 29, which modifies the LOE –LOMLOE– (LOE-TC hereinafter), we have proceeded to define and describe a certain model of institutional quality, that it was the starting point for said study, in order to propose two models for updating and qualifying the supervisory function per se; namely: a) a (new) structural model for access to said Teaching Body, and b) a (new) (functional) model for the best development and performance of the functions inherent to supervisory work at a global level, calling to this last «eco-inspection model». Although there are numerous models and paradigms in the field of action and knowledge of Educational Supervision/Inspection today, especially in its functional sphere, we want to enrich this list of models, generating at the same time a broad overall reflection for the permanent improvement of the supervisory function in general.

Finally, and in a more structural dimension, we have analyzed the access models to the Corps of Inspectors in Spain, approximately over the last twenty-five years, in an attempt to make a well-founded contrast, providing a possible improvement in them, in a continuous process of improvement and refinement of said Technical Service – Education Inspection.


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How to Cite

Campos Barrionuevo, B. (2024). The Educational Inspection. An Institutional Qualification Model in the Face of the Challenges of the 21th Century. Structural And Functional Vision. Avances En Supervisión Educativa, (41).

