Autopoiesis and quality for educational supervision


  • Amada Mogollón de González


The quality of the scholastic supervision has as aim to provide to educational the tools to execute the decision making, to exert the leadership, to develop the professional ethics and to study the necessary alternatives that they facilitate to reach the goals. In this one sense, the autopoiesis and quality of the educative supervision show the systemic interaction that must prevail when the activities according to the universal functions of the supervision evolve such as: to direct, to coordinate, to supervise and to evaluate of way responsible the completion for the educative policies. In the same order of ideas, the scholastic sector is in charge to cooperate with the supervisora action in the establishments and the functions of guarding by the good operation of the sector in order to implement new manager expositions, educational, parents and representatives with a view to solving the conflicting situations. Also, the approaches of the supervision, contribute to control and to improve the administrative and academic management of each establishment, they provide the necessary elements in the change processes and favor the act supervisorio. This last one, helps to consolidate the being, like unique space where the values and the responsibility predominate, inclusively, the supervisory function will be in charge to put in practice the competitions, abilities and conditions that entail the supervisor to realise manifolds activities that promote the democratic processes in knowing, to be, and to make so that the transmitted knowledge allow the true humanistic transformation, technical and scientific. Finally, during the supervisory action the challenges will be the point of the spear to the benefit of the quality, change and autopoiesis, like means that project new forms to supervise in the spaces of the society in the regional scope, national and international.


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How to Cite

Mogollón de González, A. (2008). Autopoiesis and quality for educational supervision. Avances En Supervisión Educativa, (9). Retrieved from




supervision, autopoiesis, change, approaches